20 Tips to assemble your new aquarium

new aquarium

Did you just buy your first new aquarium? We welcome you to this exciting world. Every year a large number of beginners join the aquarium, and many leave it after a brief and unsuccessful experience due to inadequate beginnings. As we do not want that to happen, follow these tips and enjoy a nice hobby for many years, you will not regret it!

Here we write details to assemble your new aquarium

Choose the aquarium …

1. Aquarium Size:

new aquarium

Choose the largest aquarium you can afford (it’s easier to keep it in the long run). With a large aquarium, you will get more stable parameters and more space for fish and plants. Another advantage of opting for a large aquarium is that, in this way, fish are not stressed by living in a crowded place. We recommend a minimum of 80 liters or that you calculate 1 cm of fish per liter of water as a general rule.

2. Location:

The best place to locate your new aquarium is an area where you “live” and see yourself often – you’ll want to show it off and find out quickly if something has happened in it. For convenience, put it near a plug and to maintain the parameters it is better to be away from drafts and stoves. It is important that it is well lit so that plants can photosynthesize and release CO2, but try not to give direct light so that sunlight does not affect the final temperature of the water. Eye with the weight of the aquarium full! Make sure that the surface where you put it is flat, resistant and stable.

3. Lighting:

In freshwater aquariums, fluorescent or LED tubes of 0.4 W / liter of water are used, and in saltwater aquariums, 0.6 W / liter of water. If you want to have more plants you will need more power.

4. Filtering:

Depending on the size of your new aquarium, choose (from least to greatest) between backpack filter, internal or external.

Install the aquarium …

5. Sand:

Once you have the filters and the lighting, you have to start looking after the bottom of the aquarium to make it look as beautiful as possible. Place the sand, gravel or substrate gently on the bottom and the surplus on the back to create depth.

6. Decoration and plants:

new aquarium

After the sand, the decorative elements and the plants you add in addition to embellish will serve to provide hiding places for the fish but without overloading too much because they will have less space to swim. So in decoration just and necessary. If you want to know more about planted tank setup or how to choose aquarium plant, please click this link.

6. Water:

To fill the aquarium use only cold water, never hot, since it contains too many toxic ions. Let the water come out of the tap a few minutes before filling the aquarium or drum, particularly in the morning.

7. Water conditioning:

Pay attention to this step as it is vital for the fish to live in good conditions. Treat the water with anti-chlorine and conditioners. Operate the new system for several days, preferably more than 15 days, making the necessary adjustments in heating, lighting, and filtration before introducing the fish.

8. Levels:

new aquarium

Regularly check the PH, KH, GH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates to see if they are at the appropriate levels.

9. Water changes:

Approximately every 10-15 days a partial water renewal is made, a change of approximately 20% of the total volume. With time you will know better what is the water renewal pattern that works best in your aquarium.

10. Maintenance:

Periodically review the equipment and have the provision of an adequate selection of remedies and replacement equipment to respond without delay to any emergency.

Introducing the fish …

11. Choose fish:

Depending on the characteristics of the fish you may need an aquarium or another. Take it into account when choosing it, as well as the incompatibilities between different breeds and preferred habitats of each …

12. Parasites and diseases:

After setup in your new aquarium then buy fish that are free of parasites, for this, it is important to know if the importers carry out quarantines. Buy only fish with a healthy and active aspect: many times they are asked to see them eat, especially marine species, as a sign that they are well acclimated and healthy, but this is nevertheless dangerous, since a fish that eats and immediately is packaged will defecate in the bag and will deteriorate the water quality quickly. It is also good to buy fish at noon and introduce them to the aquarium in the afternoon, to avoid a long period of stressful exposure to the already established inhabitants. If you want to know more about freshwater aquarium fish diseases, please check this article.

13. Transportation home:

new aquarium

Protects the fish from the stress of the temperature and the trip, from the home, taking it in a dark isolated container , so when it is delivered in its transparent bag it is convenient that you have prepared a box for the fish to make the trip in the safest and most comfortable way possible for them.

14. Introduction of the fish:

Turn off the lights of the aquarium and make the bag float without mixing the waters, in this way you will equalize the temperatures. After a few minutes, untie the bag, but do not pinch it, and add a 25cl glass of water from the aquarium to the bag. Every 10 minutes add a glass until you triple the starting volume. Then, release the fish carefully in the tank, without introducing water from the bag into the aquarium, as it will be damaged by transport.

15. Feeding the fish:

Do not feed the fish the first day, it is better to wait until the next day. It is convenient to provide small amounts often. Avoid overfeeding at any time since everything you do not eat in 2-3 minutes will end up as leftovers and may worsen the quality of the water.

16. Number of fish :

new aquarium

Even if you really want to see your aquarium full of fish, under no circumstances try to cram an aquarium as soon as you buy it. Do not buy all the fish in an aquarium at one time. Acquire a third at the beginning and then gradually fill the container during the following weeks, this will allow the filtration system to gradually adapt to the growing population of the aquarium. In marine aquariums, you do not reach the maximum level of fish before six months of its start-up.

17. Customs of the fish :

Before acquiring it, carefully equate the fish with the water conditions. Learn about fish habits and diet and make sure you can adequately provide for their needs. If you can not do it, do not buy the fish.

And finally…

19. Never allow yourself to be satisfied :

It is much better to keep everything controlled thanks to regular attention than to have to rectify serious imbalances due to negligence and neglect.

20. Never, but never, issues in requesting help :

You may be an expert, but if you have not had a certain species before, it is unlikely that you are better informed about it than someone who has maintained it, especially if you have had problems and have solved them.

Now that you have an idea of ​​how to build your first new aquarium, we encourage you to come to our blog, where besides finding all kinds of an article about aquariums and fish accessories.

Have a nice day!!

Author: Admin

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