Category: Reviews
The 20 best freshwater aquarium fish for a beginner
Freshwater aquarium fish for beginner Freshwater aquarium fish There is a wide variety of freshwater fish to choose from when you are building and inhabiting…
How to guppy fry care after breeding in your aquarium
Guppy fish is one of the most sought after when having an aquarium at home, or a fish tank, for its attractive drawings and the…
Freshwater Turtles: How to care for freshwater turtles
Although freshwater turtles or semi-aquatic turtles are relatively resistant. They require some very important care that is often unknown. Especially with regard to the turtles…
Clown Loach fish care: About the Loach Freshwater Clown
The Clown Loach is one of the favorites for freshwater enthusiasts. It is a peaceful fish and lives well with almost any tank mate. It…
Cardinal tetra care |Habitat and care of cardinal tetra fish
When we decide to maintain an aquarium or introduce new fish into it. We must investigate its natural habitat and try to recreate a similar…
6 Tips to introduce new fish to the aquarium
If you are going to set up your first aquarium, we welcome you to the exciting underwater world of the aquarium. On the other hand,…
5 Common problems in aquariums
Today we talk about common problems in aquariums for all aquarist in the world. The filters for aquariums would be simple pumps if it were…
What do crabs eat?
Today we talk about what do crabs eat. There are many species of crabs in the world of different sizes and shapes. Although they can…
Is it difficult to take care of a nano fish tank?
If you do research on fish care, you will find a lot of information about aquariums of 50 liters or more and, in general, those…
10 Tips how to feed your aquarium fish
Feed your aquarium fish may seem rather simple. But maintaining their health and well-being for a long time requires attention to some crucial details. Here…